Recent Posts Block

The Recent Posts block pulls in the most recent blog post teasers from posts added to the site. The block allows editors to set the number of posts shown, choose the layout of the posts, and filter the posts by category, tag, and author.

System ref: RECENT POSTS

Recent Posts Sample

Recent Posts settings

When you add the Recent Posts block to your page, it will display using the default blog settings. You can then change these settings either in the Block Settings sidebar when the block is selected, or by clicking the “edit” button to change the options in place. The above example is set to show the six most recent posts in the “Blog” category, and display them in a grid with three columns.

A screenshot of the Recent Posts block settings, with options to set the number of posts, filters for Author, Category, and Tag, and options to change the display (with an option for the number of columns for the grid display).
Website editors can customize how posts are presented using a range of settings.

Setting Options:

  • Number of Posts: The number of posts to show. These will always be the most recent posts.
  • Author: Filter posts by a specific author or authors.
  • Category: Filter posts by a specific category or categories.
  • Tags: Filter posts by a specific tag or tags.
  • Display: Allows the site editor to select the layout of the posts. You can choose between List and Grid views.
  • Columns: If the Grid view is selected, allows the site editor to select between one and six columns for the grid.